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Professional Business & Personal Coaching


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The answer is simple : Coaching Delivers real Results ... real Fast.

Coaching challenges you whilst stimulating your own creativity - not simply to overcome problems but to grow skills, confidence and ability, raising both achievement and future potential. 
Benefits are cumulative and have high residual impact long after the coaching session.

Though well established in the corporate world, coaching remains new to many business people and private individuals, so here are a few items to provide some context and background if this is new to you.


 * 80% of managers claim they would benefit from coaching/ more coaching

 * 93% felt that coaching should be available throughout the workplace

                           (survey by the Chartered Management Institute/Lloyds TSB)

  * 529% Return on Investment measured for Executive Coaching, 
                           (US study by MetrixGlobal LLC)

 * 99% of respondents agreed that “coaching can deliver a tangible benefit both to individuals and              organisations”                (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development survey)

So what exactly, is Coaching?

Coaching is a structured process which produces great clarity over issues and objectives and expands the ability to achieve desired results. 

People frequently take major steps forward in setting and achieving life changing goals.

In a unique safe, non judgemental relationship a coach will compel you to understand and overcome self doubt and fears – replacing them with positive beliefs, motivation & confidence.  

Challenging the assumptions and limiting beliefs which prevent you from doing and having the things you want, releases resources and mobilizes energy to breakthrough to new success in business, professional or private life.

Why is it so Effective?

The coaching process works on your conscious understanding and learning but also creates the conditions to retrain subconscious beliefs which fundamentally affect our behaviour.

This combined effect increases both ability and capacity to succeed in our aims. This, allied with powerful goal

setting techniques, an unwavering belief in your                                                        Unlocking Potential

potential and a passion born of constantly seeing people

really move their lives forward, is a potent force to have behind you.                                                    

Importantly, coaching is non-directive, you won't be told how to run your life, job or business - instead it stimulates our own talents and creativity allowing you to uncover your own answers .... fast!

Why Invest in Coaching?